Makeup of My Home Theater

Here are some pictures of my home theater.
One picture shows my JVC-718 DPL receiver, a Sherwood 6095R and a NAD 3040 int. amp. that serves as a power amp. to two passive subwoofers.
One picture shows a minimus 7 loudspeaker that has a piezo tweeter on top of the cabinet. It sits on top of a KLH 900B three way speaker. The Min. 7 is hooked up to the Sherwood whose bass management is set to SMALL. The KLH speaker is hooked up to the JVC and plays very well with that receiver.
One picture shows my two center channel speakers which was created by a pair of garrard D'Applolito units. One is used for the Sherwood; the other for the JVC.
One picture shows the right side set-up of the system.
One picture shows the two marantz Imperial 6G cabinets that act as my passive subwoofers. I have a raw 10 inch Radio Shack sub in each one that are rated 50 watt RMS. The NAD amp. delivers that power at 4 ohms.