The Pics are from a DMC-LS80 Panasonic camera from a high-def broadcast on this set.
I really cannot do a full review. I will just conclude that the set plays very well and gives nice sound from its built in soundbar and a very good to excellent picture from high def sources. It also plays 480I dvds very well thru the component video inputs. I would have not doubt it playing even better a upconverted signal and Blue Ray. I think the color palatette is very natural and reproduces "straight wire without gain", an expression used in audio where the sound from an amplifier is believed to not feel processed in any particular way. I have not seen any motion problems of any kind and I attibute that to the Regza's advanced processing. I think the blacks are fine on this set. I think the color reproduction is spot on and accurrate. Reproduction of detail is fine. While not a dealbreaker, a headphone jack would have been nice, but it is not found on many sets anyway. SRS-XT would have also been appreciated though some movies with good surround tracks come through very nice on this set over its speakers. The sound is very well phased and balanced more like a very good amplifier. It was necessary for me to turn down the bass control on this set. Recommended
Labels: hd, high definition, regza, toshiba, toshiba regza
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